Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happiness Wednesday, Week 2

I would like to be happier every day. My Happiness Wednesday idea is to put happiness on my to do list. Last week I wrote a list. This week I will share ideas from an expert.

Suzanne Gibbs, Food Face, 2012, Encaustic on Panel
While I wish I had a happier happy face art piece to share, this one will have to do. I am choosing to get started today.

Here are Shawn Achor 5 EASY Daily Habits to Rewire the Brain for Happiness in 21 days:
  1. Write 3 things you are grateful for.
  2. Write for 2 minutes a day describing a positive experience of the last 24 hours.
  3. Exercise 10 minutes a day.
  4. Meditate 2 minutes on your breath. (Try focusing on your heart as you breathe.)
  5. Write a short quick email in the morning praising or thanking someone (practice the art of a loving act of kindness.)
To learn more about Shawn Achor's work view this 12 minute TED clip.

Try it - and tell us how it goes. Does your art improve?


  1. Hi Suzanne, me again. I keep a small gratitude notebook by my bedside and I write a page of of things I'm thankful for before I nod off for the night.
    It's a wonderful way for me to review the day and be reminded of all the good things in my life.
    For me, cultivating a happy life is an on-going practice and daily choice that I make - and I do think that it has a ripple effect on the world around me.

    I look forward to reading about your journey!

    Hugs from here,

  2. Hi Frances - I forget to STOP and think about the good things, so while there are many in my life being more mindful of it has never been second nature for me. Thanks for your comment.
